GO KYU - Yellow Belt (5th) Kyu

A – GOI (terminology)

B – description and classification of attacks (annex no. 2)

C – REI SHIKI (eticheta si ceremonial) (annex no. 3)
D – the origins of martial arts (annex no. 4)
E – obligations of the martial arts practitioner

7. TACHI & IDORI WAZA (standing and kneeling techniques)

12. RANDORI (applications of the techniques)

a – pe atacurile executate de un adversar:

– atacuri cu prindere
– atacuri prin lovire

b – impotriva unui adversar care incearca sa imobilizeze

15. SHINKYU SHIAI (sparring)

a – sparring with one partner:

Kids 8 – 10 years = 1 minute x 1 round
Kids 10 – 14 years = 1,5 minutes x 1 round
Juniors 14 – 18 years = 2 minutes x 1 round
Adults over 18 years = 2,5 minutes x 1 round

16. KENSA UNDO (the physical fitness evaluation)

a – endurance – here is assessed the candidate’s evolution throughout the entire examination.